For more than twenty years, the ABA's Legal Technology Resource Center (LTRC) has surveyed practicing attorneys about their technology through the annual ABA TECHREPORT.
The ABA TECHREPORT is recognized as the source for information regarding the use of technology by attorneys in private practice with expert analysis, observations and predictions from legal technology leaders.
Align your organization with the ABA TECHREPORT by becoming the exclusive sponsor of one of the 8 categories below and receive a full year of visibility in front of attorneys looking for technology solutions for their law firms.
Categories of Sponsorship Include
Cloud Computing
Websites & Marketing
Practice Management
Budgeting & Planning
Technology Training
Solo & Small Firm
Litigation & TAR
Total sponsorship cost $5,000 and $4,000 for ABA LP Premium Solution Providers. (Total sponsorship value $16,300)*
*Discounts available for sponsoring multiple categories
Article/substantive blog post: min 700 words, max 2100 words (includes Title and Byline)
Image to accompany article: at least 2560 pixel width; will need stock credentials
Video: MUST be YouTube link; video can be any length
Company Logo
Banner: 728 x 90 pixels; 40k max file size; animation accepted with 25 seconds max
Min 750 words, submitted as a word doc
Also please provide the following information with the article: Articles require meta descriptions (150-250 characters, including spaces); 3 summary points that highlight the article (15-30 words each)
Author bios are run via My ABA accounts so if an author is a member I need their member ID, if they are not a member, we need the following to manually create their profile:
Mailing Address (this is just for our records and will not be public)
Author bio:
Headshot (minimum of 1000x1000 pixels or else the photo will appear blurry)